A straight perm, also known as a "Japanese straightening" or "thermal reconditioning," is a hair treatment process designed to transform curly, wavy, or frizzy hair into straight, sleek locks. This method uses a combination of chemicals and heat to restructure the natural bonds within the hair, resulting in a permanent straightening effect that can last for several months. Perming should be done by a professional hairstylist, as it involves the use of chemicals and precise techniques. Attempting to do a perm at home can lead to undesirable results and potential damage to your hair. If you're interested in getting a perm, here's an overview of the process:
Bonplex Professional SH1 Clinic Perm


  • Mix solution for straight perms
  • pH 8.5
  • Must be used together with Clinic Perm normal or damaged hair
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Bonplex Clinic Perm for Normal Hair


  • Perm suited for normal to virgin hair
  • pH 9.5
  • Recommended to use with Bonplex Neutralizer
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Bonplex Clinic Perm for Damaged Hair


  • Perm suited for damaged and severely damaged hair
  • pH 4.5
  • Recommended to use with Bonplex Neutralizer
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Bonplex Professional Neutralizer


  • Infused with bonding ingredients to make healthier and firm perms
  • An ampoule of Bonplex-i is recommended to mix for bleached or damaged hair for firmer and healthier perm results
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Bonplex-i Ampoule Concentrate Treatment for salon


  • For optimal perm results mix an ampoule before perm and together with the neutralizer

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Bonplex Pro C Intensive Rebonding Hair Treatment


  • For thin, bleached and damaged hair apply before perm
  • Make sure to let it sit at least 10 minutes under a low heat to activate the treatment
  • Rinse the treatment using our Rebonding Shampoo to cleanse all the treatment residue
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Bonplex Clinic Perm for Normal Hair features
Bonplex Professional Neutralizer ingredients free
Bonplex Clinic Perm for Damaged Hair ingredients free
Bonplex Pro C Intensive Rebonding Hair Treatment features


Explore and discover a personalized routine that aligns with your current hair type and condition



Maintaining straight permed hair involves a specific hair care routine to keep your hair smooth and healthy. Here's a guide on how to care for straight permed hair:

Gentle Shampooing:

  • Wash your hair with lukewarm water. Hot water can strip the hair of natural oils and lead to frizz.
  • Gently massage the shampoo into your scalp and hair, avoiding rough scrubbing to protect the perm.

Avoid Overwashing:

  • Don't wash your hair daily. Straight permed hair tends to be drier, so washing 2-3 times a week or as needed is typically sufficient.


  • Apply conditioner mainly to the lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair gently.

Heat Styling:

  • Minimize the use of heat styling tools (straighteners, curling irons) as excessive heat can damage the straight perm.

Air Dry or Blow Dry with Care:

  • Allow your hair to air dry whenever possible to reduce heat exposure. If you need to blow dry, use a lower heat setting and a diffuser attachment to prevent frizz.

Deep Conditioning:

  • Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week or as recommended by your stylist to keep your hair moisturized and healthy.

Silk or Satin Pillowcase:

  • Consider using a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction and minimize frizz.

Nighttime Care:

  • Before bedtime, loosely tie your hair up with a silk scrunchie to prevent tangling.

Avoid Tying Too Tight:

  • When you tie your hair, avoid pulling it too tight, as this can cause stress on the hair and affect the straight perm.