BONPLEX® SH1 Cysteamine Thio Clinic Perm is a perm system relying on cysteamine as its active ingredient. SH1 acts as an alkaline support perm solution, containing ingredients that penetrate faster, reducing processing time and ensuring optimal perm results with minimal hair damage.
BONPLEX® Perm Products have a low molecular weight, which allows them to easily penetrate the hair. This characteristic makes them a time-saving solution that can satisfy both customers and stylists.
To achieve a successful perm, it's essential for the hair to swell, which is typically achieved by applying an alkaline solution to the hair. However, BONPLEX® Perm Solutions (for both Normal Hair and Damaged Hair) contain insufficient alkaline content. Therefore, they must be combined with the BONPLEX® SH1 Perm Solution.
The BONPLEX® SH1 Perm Solution, on the other hand, contains minimal reducing agents and is best suited for universal applications. To use it, simply mix it with either the BONPLEX® Normal Hair or Damaged Hair Perm Solution.
For heat perms on extremely damaged hair, you can use the SH1 Perm Solution by itself. However, when dealing with hair that is a combination of extremely damaged and damaged hair, it is advisable to apply the BONPLEX® Cysteamine Thio Perm Damaged Hair PH4.5 products to the extremely damaged sections first before applying any other solution. This approach will help minimize damage and improve the overall results.

Preguntas frecuentes
Nuestras permanentes principales casi no tienen ingredientes alcalinos, por lo tanto, para aquellos que quieran usar una permanente con contenido alcalino, pueden mezclar esta permanente SH1 con otras permanentes Bonplex.
Hay muchos beneficios al usar esta solución de permanente mezclada con nuestra solución Bonplex Perm, reduce drásticamente el tiempo del proceso de permanente y garantiza obtener los mejores resultados de permanente.
Puedes utilizar una proporción de 1 : 2 con nuestro Bonplex Perms, 1 parte de SH1 Perm y 2 partes de Normal/Dagnated Hair Perm.
Para obtener más información, asegúrese de consultar nuestro manual de permanente en la parte inferior de la página.